Qingdao Shuxin Vegetable Co., Ltd.

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What are the effects of Fresh Cabbage from Shandong?

Fresh Cabbage from Shandong boosts the body's immune system

Cabbage has a good detoxification effect, it can remove a variety of toxins in the human body, can effectively improve the body's resistance to disease, especially in winter, can make the incidence of influenza significantly decreased, to improve the body immunity has great benefits.

Fresh Cabbage from Shandong diuresis

Diuresis is also one of the important effects of cabbage, it contains a variety of trace elements beneficial to the human body, among which the content of trace elements potassium is better, it can accelerate the decomposition of salt in the body, and excreted with urine, thus playing a good diuresis effect.

In addition to potassium in cabbage, calcium, iron and vitamin a content is also relatively high, these substances are also the necessary components of human metabolism, they can promote the body's normal metabolism after being absorbed by the human body, reduce the occurrence of some common diseases.

Fresh Cabbage from Shandong AIDS in digestion

Cabbage can help digestion, it contains a certain amount of dietary fiber, can accelerate the movement of the stomach, promote the decomposition and absorption of food, dry stool and poor defecation have a good preventive effect, in addition, after stew cabbage is especially easy to digest, more conducive to the recovery of human stomach function.


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